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Diwali with Projecthrive !!!



Diwali the ancient Indian festival of lights signifies the victory of good over evil. The advent of light after a long period of darkness.
This Diwali we pause to reflect on how we are taking this message to heart and are trying to bring more light into the world and make it a better place.


Our women’s center Projecthrive just invited in two more recruits after a long gap caused by COVID. For the first time, this new batch of trainees will be taught by senior graduate female tailors of the project rather than male masters who traditionally hold technical skills.

We consider this a significant step forward in a years-long struggle to keep Projecthrive going amidst formidable challenges.


On a personal note, this has also been a summer of internalizing some of the empowerment messages I have been putting out into the world for the past decade. It has also been the summer of learning to love myself and embracing my place in the world.

This year marks 22 years of working in fashion for me. My journey has taken me to artisan communities across India, fashion capitals across the world, and everything in between. The path has taken me to corners of the world not on any map and helped me make connections and encounter serendipities I couldn’t have possibly imagined.

I’ve met spinners, weavers, dyers, farmers, seamstresses, activists, designers, students, environmentalists, scientists, researchers, and artists and learned more than I will ever fully understand.

I am grateful to everyone who brings light into the world with their work every day and is grateful to be a bearer of the light.

I wish you all a very very Happy Diwali

With love and light


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