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At Sonica Sarna Design we are known for offering sourcing options to brands and designers with the maximum positive environmental and social impact.

Here are some of our ethical fabric offerings

We offer a full range of certified organic cotton fabrics in your choice of fabric weight, quality and patterns. Checks, stripes, crinkle, solids, chambray, specialty weaves, lace yardages, canvas… you name it, we’ve got it.


Good karma points: Cotton counts for 50% of agricultural pesticide used in India. The run off from these chemicals adversely effects soil, water bodies and entire eco systems, not to mention the health of the farmers.


You’re a lover of drape and softness but want to find sustainable alternatives to rayon/viscose? We offer a full range of Lenzing certified Micro Modal and Tencel in various weights and specialty weaves such as twill, satin, crepe and textures, blended with organic cotton and elastane, to name a few .


Good karma points: Viscose, a favourite of cheap fast fashion brands is manufactured using highly toxic chemicals that pollute the air, water and soil in areas surrounding the processing plants. This has a devastating effect on the workers and people living near by with increased incidence of coronary heart disease, birth defects, skin conditions and cancer.

We offer dyeing in various shades using nature and plant based non toxic dyes with minimal impact on the environment and the health of the dyers.

Good karma points: Many dye houses use toxic carcinogenic azo chemicals in their fabric dye processes. Many of them do  not have waste water affluent treatment plants, as result the toxic waste makes it into the local water supply and agricultural processes causing serious environmental and health hazards to communities.


Source certified European flax, a sustainable fibre grown using organic and eco-friendly agricultural practices from us. Available in custom weights, weaves and blended with organic cotton and Tencel . Need we say more?

Good karma points: Linen is a biodegradable fabric. However we reverse the benefit of using it if it is grown using toxic chemicals and dyed with harmful dyes.


And best of all, we are experts at customizing colors and designs for our brand partners in not just these sustainable fibres, but also bamboo, hemp and eri silk. To learn more follow us @sonicasarna on Instagram or email us at

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