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We are so excited to share excerpts from a write up by ace&jig about their wonderful collaboration with Projecthrive . Read more below.


we made 400 one-of-a-kind tote bags from the scraps

of our custom woven textiles, as part of our commitment to no waste.

we knew that we wanted to do something meaningful with these.

we decided to use these tote bags to raise money for urgent causes we believe in!
ALL 400 of these totes will be gifted by us, to anyone who submits a donation of $25 or more

to one or more of the below organizations:

      • Raices Texas – providing free and low-cost legal services to underserved immigrant children, families, and refugees.
      • Kind – legal representation, and working to advance laws, policies, and practices that ensure children’s protection.
      •  International Rescue Committee – providing support to South Sudanese struggling from decades of civil war and life-threatening food shortages.
      • Naral Pro Choice America – fighting for access to abortion care, birth control, paid parental leave and protections from discrimination.
This fundraiser has now ended!
Thank you SO MUCH for all of your generous donations.
We will follow up with via email you once your totes have shipped.


Project Thrive Team pic

these totes were made in partnership with Projecthrive,


We are proud to employ the women of project thrive who made these one of a kind tote bags using our scrap textiles.

Projecthrive is an initiative that empowers at -risk women in the slum clusters surrounding New Delhi.

Read more about the amazing group of women at Projecthrive here.

Read more about our commitment to No Waste here.

Reach us at to learn more about how you can make your business zero waste.
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